
A magical Forest named Bonshi, where nature and creatures live together in peace. The perfect balance between the day, with her pink trees and warm air, and the night, with her starry sky.

However, one day, their heaven was disturbed. Fear and darkness was spread everywhere...

They were here. The cursed monsters of all Sinful Souls. They made their way to the world and stole the Bonshi's magical soul. They want all creatures to feel their pain.

After them...now.. the day is cold without her sun and the night without her stars. Everything left in the darkness.

The only hope for the forest is you! The Guardian of Bonshi!


WASD - Run, Jump, Crouch, Slide

F - Light Attack

Space - Dash, Heavy Attack (With Weapon)

Drygon Games
Made withUnity, Paint Tool SAI
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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